

My name is Heather and this site is a collection of my thoughts, observations, and ideas about trying to live my life. I offer my writing not as advice to you on how to live your own life but more in the spirit of sharing my experiences. If something I write does not make sense for you, then it is not for you. There are as many roads to our destination as there are travellers, so always choose your own path in a way that makes sense for you. Do not accept advice blindly. Most of the people who pretend to be gurus have confidence beyond their ability. Trust your own ability to know what is right for you.

I also think it is important to say that silence does not allow us to hide away and avoid dealing with problems or difficult situations – both our own and those of the world. I have written a special page about “When not to choose silence“.

My life is entirely ordinary. I have been blessed in many ways throughout my life by people and circumstances. I have suffered through traumatic events that have taught me lessons and transformed my life. This is no different from you and the things I have learned are available to everyone. I offer these writings in honour and memory of my late mother, Doris. She was the greatest blessing and inspiration of my life and taught me so much through her love, words, and actions. My love for her exceeds the boundaries of time and space.

There are two major ideas at the heart of my personal philosophy:

  1. Honest self-knowledge
  2. Optimistic gratitude

These are not new ideas but always worth repeating. We must be honest with ourselves about who we are and how we are doing. We must also be grateful for the good we have been given but also optimistic, even in the darkest moments, that we can find a way to a better situation. Fundamental to both of these ideas is that even when life seems to present feedback entirely to the contrary, we always have the opportunity to make a choice for something better.

In this blog, I will be telling you about the choice I make everyday. The choice that keeps me sane and mostly stable in the whirlwind of stress, anxiety, elation, love, sadness, and laughter that is life.

I choose silence.

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